Moths from November 2018 at Hollesley

In addition to regular autumn species immigrant species have continued intermittently. Dark Sword-grass has been abundant, though it may also be resident. Yellow Line Quaker that seemed to come in during October, along with the Large Wainscot, continued to mid month and White-speck appeared mid month too. Also of interest has been the Dark Arches that has coincided with immigrant peaks during the last couple of months that suggests it too may join the immigrants along with other resident species such as Angle Shades, Turnip, Vine’s Rustic and Setaceous Hebrew Character.

Picked up my first Sprawlers for my home site during November, which really exited me. Have 4 records for it. I have also been doing a few dissections that have been left over from June/July peak catches and recorded another two firsts for me. Coleophora coracipennella from 17th July at home. Looks very similar to C. serratella. Also whilst dissecting Cnephasia species from Abbey Farm, Snape from 19th June, one turned out to be Neoshpaleroptera nubilana. It was a dark very undistinguished specimen with no clear markings.

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