I don’t know how many of you still read this blog now that we have a Facebook site for Suffolk Moths, but I would be pleased to know by way of comments. If you don’t use Facebook it is worth getting an account just to follow ‘Recording Moths in Suffolk’. Your individual account can be private to prevent access by unwanted ‘friends’ and there is no need to add any personal information.
I spent some time on the text for the smaller micros on the new web site this summer which restricted my trips away from home and reduced the amount of dissections I carried out. This was one of the reasons why my annual species total for the year at home was only 741. This considerably lower than the last 3 years. I also only gained a further 22 species new to my home site. However apart from this the year as a whole was not one of the best. Whilst it started quite well for moths and was OK during July, August was not a great month for moths and the rest of the year did not see spells of regular migrants. Species expanding their range in the UK played a prominent part in catches across the county and I was one of those who caught the spectacular Clifden Nonpareil. Some of my site other additions were also pleasing, some of which were new for the vice county. These included Caloptilia honoratella, Lyonetia prunifoliella, Iana incanana, Grapholita lobarzewskii, Sciota hostilis, Three Humped Prominent and Dusky Marbled Brown.
I had a target of the White-mantled Wainscot for the RSPB site at Abbey Farm Snape last year. Really wanting to find it there for the new wetland reserve. As the season progressed it came down to the 25th July as my only real opportunity. However this was also the night when the weather broke with a massive thunderstorm. I took the opportunity. I was successful for the target moth and also picked up a number of other species that I would not have done so without the weather event. It was worth while but especially memorable for the spectacular weather.
I haven’t checked the full list for 2019 over all the sites I recorded Raymond, but I know it’s well down compared to previous years mainly due to having less time to get out as a result of moving house.
I was however quite pleased with the numbers recorded in my new garden. This was 321 species March through to December.
In answer to your question about still using this blog site. I wasn’t aware that all the activity had transferred to Facebook and no doubt accounts for the reason why it’s gone very quiet on the blog site. I have a Facebook account but never go on it; certain things about it put me off a bit. However, I see that the Suffolk Moths Facebook site can be accessed via the website so I will check out what’s been happening.