As the season moves on and moth numbers drop it is time to report the few days at the end of August for my garden at Hollesley. The migrant feature of this summer continues. Vestals avoided me on the day of the big influx but I picked up just one on 31st along with a Loxostege stricticalis that was pleasing as a first for me. A Scarce Bordered Straw on 28th but no Bordered Straws recently and few Small Mottled Willow but lots of Rush Veneer. A very worn female Convolvulus Hawk-moth on 29th was probably the same one caught again on 31st with noticeably less weight in eggs. Don’t suppose they will survive our winter though.
In contrast to the large moths that took the lime-light of my last post it was a couple at the other end of the size spectrum that took it on 29th. A Bucculatrix cristatella as a first for my site. I took one at a similar time of year at Snape last year. Also my second Trifurcula squamatella. I believe this is resident in my garden and feeds on the Genista aetnensis I grow as this species provides a lot of green bark for the species.