14th April. An improvement on a slow Spring

Looking to the warm days bringing moths out I have trapped regularly and whilst for example the 13th turned cold at night and only produced 9 species the 14th was much warmer and showed a marked improvement on this disappointing Spring with 29 species to my two traps in my garden at Hollesley. They were mostly expected commoner Spring species but with a few new for the year and one new for my garden. The Oecophoridae made an excellent showing with Agonopterix alstromeriana, A. heracliana, A. scopariella, A. propinquella, A. subpropinquella (NFY), A. ocellana (new to garden) and Depressaria chaeophylli (NFY) adding considerably to the species total. Also new for the year at my garden site were Dyseriocrania subpurpurella, Ocnerostoma friesei, Plutella xylostella, Brindled Pug, Scorched Carpet, Lesser Swallow Prominent, Herald and Oak Nycteoline. Contrary to Neil’s reporting but in line with Brian, I have been getting good numbers of Small Quaker this year, equaling Common, Clouded Drab or Hebrew Character. No Powdered, Lead-coloured or Northern yet though.

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