10/4/2015 – A reasonable night at IGC.

Following on from the last post on the disappointing results from Milden last night, I was pleased to find more moths in the IGC traps than what we saw at that meeting.20sp, with a few more expected year firsts – Nut-tree tussock, Frosted green (3), Early thorn and Dyseriocrania subpurpurella (10). Smaller numbers of Orthosias compared to last time I trapped. I’m finding Small quaker to be still quite scarce this year, with only 19 caught. Last year my highest total in one night was 44 and that was very poor for this site then, is this year going to be even worse? Hebrew character is another in poor numbers so far this year with only 2 seen last night. Be interesting to see the final totals for these species compared to previous years once their flight period is over.
There was one more hanger-on too, a single Yellow horned, not my latest ever as that was on the 17th April 2013 but still the second latest.


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One Response to 10/4/2015 – A reasonable night at IGC.

  1. Brian says:

    Small Quaker seems to be more abundant up here in the north east of VC25 compared to Ipswich area. My records so far for this year show 186 Small Quaker recorded as opposed to 190 Common Quaker, so more or less level pegging.


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