Woolpit Moths

A bit misty this morning in Woolpit, but was pleased to catch a few moths after missing out on the previous nights cloudy skies. Only four species mind – Hebrew Character, Common Quaker, 3 Early Grey’s and a Buttoned Snout.

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3 Responses to Woolpit Moths

  1. Raymond Watson says:

    Thick sea fog here Paul. Forecasted for tomorrow too.

  2. keith says:

    Friday night looking a good prospect. I’m having trouble with being unable to post a blog yet I can log in to make a comment. Anyone having difficulties? My last blog was made in November so there may have been a change since then also am on google chrome as I was before. Thanks.

  3. Neil says:

    Thick fog in Ipswich too, single trap in the garden only caught 6 moths (3sp), but did include my first Red chestnut for the year.

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