I was at Minsmere yesterday – saw the pratincole but not the yellow-legged tortoiseshell. Interesting that the east winds that brought the tortoiseshells to Holland and Suffolk did not bring many moth migrants (at least, apart from a few diamond-backs I’ve had no migrants this last week). I keep looking at my garden buddleias but no odd tortoiseshells as yet.
Interesting week for my garden MV – a sprinkling of what are quite good moths for me, species that I only see every three or four years. Most notable last night was my first oblique-striped carpet (to go with my oblique striped from last year), dotted fanfoot, Kent black arches, suspected, miller, garden tiger et al. Got what I thought was my second ever butterbur, but closer examination turned it into a rosy rustic. A good turn-out of what I consider to be my local specialities – muslin footman (having another good year), beautiful hook-tip, orange moth, cream-bordered green pea. And glow-worms.
So, nothing amazing, but the continuing warm weather keeps things interesting.
We have the immigrants on the coast so perhaps they will reach you soon.