Bill Last and myself went out to have a bit of a search for the Large red belted clearwing yesterday lunchtime/early afternoon, a moth that Bill had never seen. A check of the Lower Hollesley site found nothing, the Birch stumps that used to be attractive for the moth now looking too old. Using the pheromone here was also a negative result. We then moved on to Sutton heath, where a check of a spot where I saw the moth a couple of years ago again was negative both searching and using the pheromone. We then moved on to an area also at Sutton where there has been a lot of tree clearance in the last few years where there were some more recent stumps and this is where we managed to locate one female moth investigating a cut stump. Nothing came in to the pheromone again at this spot. The moth was slightly worn so maybe with the early warm spring we have had they have been out for a while.