With cloud and mild temperatures and little rain forecast for the night, thought I’d give trapping a try around the work-shed woods last night to see what was about. Having already seen the first Spring ushers towards the end of last week on the wall by the security lights around the clubhouse I was confident of getting at least a few of those.Was woken this morning by the sound of heavy rain rattling against the window – that wasn’t in the forecast! So the checking of the soaking wet traps had to take place under cover in my polytunnel. Was it all worth it? Yes, I suppose it was, with 57 moths of 7sp recorded. Here is the short list.
Chestnut – 14
Mottled umber – 1
Pale brindled beauty – 2
Spring usher – 34
Acleris ferrugana – 4
Tortricodes alternella – 1
Agonopterix heracliana – 1
I was a bit surprised not to see more Pale brindled beauties or Tortricodes alternella, as I normally get good numbers of those when I see numbers of Spring usher, especially as it has been quite a mild winter so far. Perhaps all this wet weather we are having has held them up.