March of the Four-spotted Footman……..

Four-spotted Footman have been arriving across Britain in recent nights.  These are the records last night (2nd October) in Suffolk; that I am aware of:

  • 2 males – Bawdsey Hall
  • 1 female - Landguard Bird Observatory
  • 2 males  – Dunwich Village

If 2006 is anything to go by, then more will follow and they turned up all over the place!  Nick Mason had one outside the pub in Hollesley in that year and I ran a trap in my parents garden at Rendham specifically for the species and caught a male.

Another Palpita vitrealis this morning was the only other migrant of note here.  Convolvulus Hawk-moths much in evidence at the moment – my ninth of the season was trapped on the night of 1 October.

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2 Responses to March of the Four-spotted Footman……..

  1. Charles Cuthbert says:

    In response to Matthew’s note about the arrival of Four-spotted Footman in Suffolk I also caught a male of this species in my garden at Kelsale last night, 2nd October.

  2. Matthew Deans says:

    Many thanks Charles for posting your record.

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