September Stutton ivy total

Tony added four new species from ivy last night – Herald, Sallow, Pink-barred Sallow and a Grey Shoulder-knot. This took the village list to a very impressive 42 species for September. With the efforts at Blakenham, no doubt we have broken the 50 mark for the county. Still a few species to come hopefully.

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One Response to September Stutton ivy total

  1. Neil says:

    My garden Ivy patch is now coming into flower, and I’ve had only 10 species so far: Anthophila fabriciana, Large yellow underwing, Lesser yellow underwing, Chestnut, Vine’s rustic, E. monodactyla, Square-spot rustic, Orange sallow, Yellow-line quaker, Pine carpet. Moth numbers on the patch have been exceptionally low, even on mild nights, most of the above only seen as ones or twos. 2 nights ago there was nothing on there! Be interesting to see what turns up tonight with cloud and milder weather forecast. Moth numbers in my traps have also been dismally low so if there is no improvement tonight I’ll be getting quite concerned again about the lack of moths in this area this season.

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