Late September at Bradwell

5 nights trapping from 21st to 27th and apart from the 21st a moth of the night every night! Large Yellow Under-wing remains the most common moth during this period followed by Lesser, then Setaceous Hebrew Character which is now declining. High numbers of Lunar Under-wing also.
The 21st, a much brighter night than I’d anticipated, even so, 34 species recorded. The best being Dark Spectacle. Gold Spot, Heart & Dart and Rush Veneer also recorded.
Next the 24th, Moth of the night a very pretty male Vestal. Among the 52 species recorded; Calybites phasisanipennella, 6 Pale Mottled Willow and the average nightly tally of 4 Black Rustic, the first Blair’s Shoulder-knot and Red-green Carpet of the Autumn.
The 25th; Best moth a Lunar Yellow Under-wing, the first record for home and only the 4th I’ve ever seen. 40 species recorded.
26th; One of the first moths seen another Vestal, extremely similar to the earlier one but this time a female, also Autumnal Rustic of which I only have a similar number of records to Vestal. 36 species recorded.
The 27th’s best moth was a Shore Wainscot, another home first! Among the 40 species on this night were the first Mallows with four seen and the first Red Line Quaker, two Red Under-wings with singles nightly through the period. Pink-barred along with Sallow and Barred Sallow the only Sallows here this week. The 60w actinic on any cloudy night has performed as well as the mv’s.
Like Raymond probably giving it a rest now until the wind subsides.

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