SMG event 07/09/2013 – Stackyard Nursery, Mendlesham.

3 members of the group attended this meeting, with the owners and one of their friends also joining us for an evening’s entertainment. 5 lights were deployed (4 125w MVs plus a twin 30w trap) along with my wine ropes. There was a bit of a cool breeze blowing across the site when we arrived so traps were placed in the slightly more sheltered areas. Quite a few moths were seen flying over the long grass areas at dusk so we were hopeful of seeing something.
At the sheet light quite a few common species came in initially, with a scattering of slightly more interesting stuff including Centre-barred sallow, Dusky thorn and Bulrush wainscot. We then had a check on the wine ropes which revealed a few moths on each, with probably the best moth on those a Red underwing which suitably impressed our guests for the night. A check of the traps produced a few more of the commoner species but also one notable – 6 Cochylis molliculana in my traps close to the large quantities of the foodplant, Bristly ox-tongue. Nice to see at this site again as of course this was the place it was first recorded in the county in 2011. On return to the sheet light around 10.30pm very little more seemed to be flying and it felt quite cool so after a short while we decided to pack up. On clearing away the last trap a Brown-spot pinion was found, the first record for the year for all present and a sign that the autumnal species are now getting started.
List at the end of the night: 35 species.


Cochylis molliculana from Mendlesham on the night

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