Crescent night

Brian and I revisted Scale marsh St Olaves on the 13th. I had some nice target species lined up; Fenn’s Wainscot and Dotted Footman both with old records close by and White-mantled Wainscot more a long shot, the habitat looking good for it but cut off from the river Waveney marshes.
Unfortunately no targets seen. A peculiar night with only 75 species on my list many species not coming to light or on the wing under the clear sky. Among those that did show were in low numbers; Olive, Reed Dagger, a couple of Brown-veined Wainscots, White-spotted Pug. The outstanding record of the night was with Crescent, a moth I used to be quite thrilled to see when I started mothing and as it happens one of only a few species of which I keep a head count of. Numbers seemed to be rising year on year up here but how about 108? That was the best count from a single trap! Total on the night was 307 counted. This species and the odd looking Bordered Beauty that I spotted on vegetation on a trap round made the night a memorable one

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