Like others, I too put out 2 traps (125w MV plus twin 30w actinic) last night up in the woodland around the work-sheds at the golf course. With it being so mild I did expect to see a few moths, and I was not disappointed. 5sp, 43 moths. Full list below:
Mottled umber – 10
Spring usher – 26
Pale brindled beauty – 2
Winter moth – 1
Chestnut – 4
Wanted to run a trap in the garden for the first time this evening but decided to give it a miss as the sky was clear at dusk and it felt cooler than the previous night. Hopefully it will be cloudy tomorrow night so I can have another attempt.
Which of the two traps did the best Niel? I’ve often noticed that the actinic draws more moths in the winter months.
I ran my 40w actinic in the copse nearby connected to the car battery for 1 hour after dusk (4.30-5.30), result was 18 moths of 4 species (Mottled Umber, Chestnut, PBB & Winter Moth).