12 Oct Anniversary catch – review – Hollesley

Well this is 1 year since I got back to this interest from my youth after a 40 year break. Unlike my starter night I would not have chosen last night to start. 11 species and 22 moths in the MV trap that in 2011 turned up 29 sp and 113 moths. I now also run a twin actinic which only added a further 2 species. I am told that 2012 has been a poor year for moths. I have however been very impressed with the number and diversity I have found this year almost exclusively from trapping in my garden at Hollesley. I am very lucky in my location as I capture, immigrants, coastal, salt-marsh, woodland, heathland, marshland and agricultural species. With somewhere around 750 species recorded in a year I have from the abundant Large Yellow Underwing to three specimens of the rare and first Suffolk record of Gelechia scotinella. I am looking forward to the next year which should raise my species list considerably based on those I have seen here before 12th Oct 2011.

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One Response to 12 Oct Anniversary catch – review – Hollesley

  1. keith says:

    A very impressive achievement, Raymond! And many excellent records!

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