Ivy blossom time.

If there are any patches of flowering Ivy nearby, now is a good time to search them for moths after dark. I normally wait about an hour after dusk before checking to give the moths a chance to arrive. I have a large patch close to my garden and have been checking it this week, and it has produced some sightings of moths that I’ve not caught in the trap running close by. Interesting things I’ve seen have included Orange sallow, Pink-barred sallow, Brick (always find this moth to be commoner on Ivy than at light), Red-green carpet, Chestnut, L-Album wainscot and Brindled green. The patches normally flower for a few weeks so as the season progresses moths such as Yellow-line quaker and Red-line quaker appear.


Angle shades on Ivy.

Red-green carpet on Ivy blossom.

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