Nemophora fasciella found at Waldringfield

A late morning walk at Waldringfield on 2nd July – a location I had not visited for more than a year soon found me enthralled by this most beautiful moth. I was passing a hedgerow when this sparkling moth caught my eye. I was soon taking pics of this gem of an insect which on my return home, I was able to identify as a female N. fasciella.

Referring to The Moths Of Suffolk web-site, I found as expected that it was classified as nationally scarce. Also, I found that what I had passed off as Red dead-nettle was indeed the food-plant, Black Horehound (Ballota nigra).  Neil tells me that it is also a BAP species. 

So, a good trip out and to think, I could have chosen to go anywhere!  Although the records seem to show that it is seldom found, I am now spurred on to look for more.

Steve G


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