Like Paul I went out for a bit of daytime searching, but found it quite hard going not finding that much. Went to Barnhamcross common which is normally a good site for looking for daytime moths. Did find Brown scallop (larva on Buckthorn), Lobesia reliquana, Glyphipterix fuscoviridella and O. distans. Very few butterflies seen either, just singles of Small heath, Green hairstreak and Brown argus. Did find an Incurvaria oehlmanniella in the greenhouse at home (first for year) and an Adela rufimitrella at rest on a Mullein in the garden.
Things should be better than this in June surely?
I saw a BBC weather forecast over the weekend that clearly showed the jet stream fixed firmly across or south of the Iberian Peninsula. Unless it moves north soon I can’t see any end to this run of cool, wet weather.
According to an independant weather forecaster that I follow we are on the cusp of global cooling, severe winters on average, with cool wet Summers. He claims to be able to give two months warning of any prolonged heatwave. His outlook for June is windy, cool, wetter than average.