This is a guide to the moths of Suffolk that at the moment covers the macro-lepidoptera (larger moths) and the various families of the micro-lepidoptera - Alucitidae, Pyralidae, Pterophoridae, Tortricidae, Gracillaridae, Yponomeutidae, Nepticulidae and other smaller families. It is intended that with time more historic information will be included and other families of lepidoptera covered. It is currently in a draft form and will be subject to change as the species accounts are improved and expanded.
The not too long term intention is to produce a book covering the larger moths of Suffolk and it is hoped that this draft guide will stimulate and help moth recording in the county. One of the reasons for producing online and CD versions is that production costs are low. The guide can be continually tuned and the contents hopefully improved based on feedback without significant cost. I would welcome any feedback on this guide.
Further background information on the moths of the county and local moth recording may be found by following the links below. Italicised entries indicate the entry has not yet been written and the writing of these sections will probably occur later rather than sooner. I would be interested to hear of further sections that readers would like included.
The guide is presented as a series of species accounts each presented on a separate page. These can be accessed via direct searching for species names or via link pages holding various forms of species lists. The menu on the left-side of each page provides links to allow navigation to the required species account pages.
The title The Moths of Suffolk at the top of each page will cause this page to be displayed.
Help | Further help on the various features of the guide. |
Comment book | View people's comments about the guide and add your own comments. |
Preferences | View and set preferences that affect how the guide displays pages and other information |
Search | Search for species accounts, search for text in species accounts and various species lists. |
Compare | Compare selected features of species. |
Filtering | Restrict the species that are
used in searching or navigation of accounts. |
Browse pictures | Browse photographs of adults of species with multiple species shown per page. |
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Provides a text field into which species names, partial names or Bradley and Fletcher numbers can be entered to search for species accounts without accessing the search page. |
Provides a picklist of recently viewed species accounts. Selecting a species from the picklist will show that species' account. | |
Account navigation | , , or menu items allows navigation between species account pages. |
Filters set | This panel shows the current filter settings |
Comparison : Currently this feature
allows the comparison of photographs, distribution
maps, phenology tables and account text for a set of species selected.
In its current form it is rather unwieldy to use but should be replaced
by a more user-friendly version in the not too distant future.
Comment Book : allows for
the feedback of
comments on the guide. Please feel to add an entry if you have any
suggestions for improvements.
Additional features for the guide are
planned and there are still a number of photographs for species missing
from the guide as it currently stands. The intention is to
add photographs over time as they become available. If you would like
to contribute any photographs for species (including non-Suffolk ones)
that are not currently covered then please get in touch
The data in this guide has been largely based on the many records submitted by local and not-so-local visiting recorders. I would like to thank those recorders for their records - keep them coming in.
Photographs are uploaded to the guide by moth group members and thanks to them for making the guide a more colourful and useful piece of work.
All photographs and distribution maps in the guide are copyrighted. Please contact me ([an error occurred while processing this directive]) for details if you wish to use them.