Group indoor meeting 9th March 2019.

Just a reminder that it is less than 2 weeks till the indoor meeting. Can all those who haven’t told me already who are thinking of eating in the pub at lunchtime please let me know as I will be contacting them at the end of the week with numbers.
Also, currently I only have 3 people who have committed to giving a presentation. It would be great if there were more, if not it will be a very short day! It’s our day as members of the group to highlight what we have been up to, even garden trap reports will be of interest. If there are difficulties in putting together a digital presentation then members can just bring along a series of photos which can be made into a powerpoint presentation on the day.

Hope you have all been trying trapping in the recent very mild spell when conditions have allowed, although quite a number of nights have been clear and frosty. Most of the common spring species are now on the wing with me and there have even been migrants in some parts of the UK.


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