Here is the moth group’s meeting programme as it stands at the moment. More events may be added at a later date, details of which will be put up on this blog.
Note that there are 2 dates for most meetings, this is so the best night weather-wise can be chosen near the date of the event. News on which day the event is taking place will be posted on the Suffolk Moth blog at least 1 day before the meeting.
18th/19th May. Bradfield woods SWT reserve (for general recording especially micros)
Meet in car park at TL935580 at 9pm.
25th/26th May. Groton wood SWT reserve (for possible Pauper pug and Mocha)
Meet in car park along road at TL976428 at 9pm.
8th June. Gunton meadows SWT reserve (for general recording – new site)
Meet along road by reserve at TM538960 at 9pm.
15th/16th June. MOTH NIGHT 2018 – Bawdsey Hall. See Matthew’s moth blog post for more details.
22nd/23rd June. Knettishall heath SWT reserve (for breckland species and Alder kitten)
Meet in car park at TL951806 at 9pm.
29th/30th June. Redgrave fen SWT reserve (for wetland species possibly including Fen square-spot and Lempke’s gold spot)
Meet in main reserve car park at TM052802 at 9pm. We will then drive in convoy to Redgrave fen.
13th/14th July. North cove SWT reserve (for wetland species possibly including White-mantled wainscot)
Meet in the car park at TM471905 at 9pm.
21st July. Groton wood SWT reserve (daytime for leaf mines and larvae followed by night trapping)
Meet in car park along road at TL976428 at 2pm for daytime recording followed by 9pm for trapping.
27th/28th July. Carlton marshes SWT reserve (for wetland species possibly including White-mantled wainscot)
Meet in car park at TM508920 at 9pm.
10th Aug. Orfordness NT reserve (for saltmarsh and coastal species including Ground lackey and Sandhill rustic)
Meet at Orford Quay TM425495 at 7pm. Ferry will meet us and take us to the reserve. Overnight stay on the site so bring breakfast and a sleeping bag etc. Traps will be put out and checked in the morning. Moth morning event on 11th which members can help at. Will need a note of numbers for this meeting so let me know if you are coming.
14th/15th Sept. Hen reedbeds SWT reserve (for reedbed species)
Meet in car park TM471771 at 6.45pm
There will also be a leaf miner recording day in October, details will be posted at a later date for this event.
Neil Sherman (