SMG Indoor Meeting – reminder

The indoor meeting is just over two weeks away – Saturday 24th March – details at the SMG web site meetings page. Meeting starts at 2.00pm and will finish sometime before 5.00pm. Doors open at 1.30pm, if you want to turn up early to help set up or have a cup of coffee/tea and a chat.

I intend to be at the nearby Shannon pub for lunch from 12.00 onwards and there’s normally a few others as well who meet up there beforehand for a pint and some food. Food is reasonably priced – snacks around £5 and meals around £10.

If you have anything to show at the meeting can you let me know please. It doesn’t have to be much – in fact I think it works better if we have more contributors speaking for shorter periods. It helps me to organise things if I have a rough idea of what is likely to be going on.

If you’re using Powerpoint then I’d suggest you don’t save it as the latest version – use something like Powerpoint 97-2003, where the file name ends with ‘.ppt’. I don’t use Powerpoint and rely on compatability in the program I do use – OpenOffice. If you want you can always email me a sample Powerpoint file and I can tell you if it will run. Picture files (jpgs, pngs etc) are no problem at all. Other exhibits are also very welcome.

If you’ve got any queries drop me a line.

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