Comments on: Overwhelming June at IGC. Topical information from the Suffolk Moth Group Tue, 25 Feb 2020 18:38:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Raymond Watson Raymond Watson Tue, 04 Jul 2017 20:31:35 +0000 Like your Grapholita! Sounds as manic as it has been here. Lots of less common Pyrales here too. My traps are built to stop the birds and it works, though there is nothing you can do with a Skinner. Birds cannot land on my Robinson design traps. This was deliberate planning as they can on commercial designs. I also raise them so the light doesn’t shine on the ground around and therefore moths don’t settle around the traps and this helps discourage birds before I have got there. Got two Merrifieldia baliodactyla last night. Looks like they have established a population.

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<![CDATA[ Like your Grapholita! Sounds as manic as it has been here. Lots of less common Pyrales here too. My traps are built to stop the birds and it works, though there is nothing you can do with a Skinner. Birds cannot land on my Robinson design traps. This was deliberate planning as they can on commercial designs. I also raise them so the light doesn&#039;t shine on the ground around and therefore moths don&#039;t settle around the traps and this helps discourage birds before I have got there. Got two Merrifieldia baliodactyla last night. Looks like they have established a population. ]]>
<![CDATA[ <p>Like your Grapholita! Sounds as manic as it has been here. Lots of less common Pyrales here too. My traps are built to stop the birds and it works, though there is nothing you can do with a Skinner. Birds cannot land on my Robinson design traps. This was deliberate planning as they can on commercial designs. I also raise them so the light doesn&#8217;t shine on the ground around and therefore moths don&#8217;t settle around the traps and this helps discourage birds before I have got there. Got two Merrifieldia baliodactyla last night. Looks like they have established a population.</p> ]]>