<title>Comments on: Another large catch of Orthosias</title>
<atom:link href="http://suffolkmoths.org.uk/blog/index.php/2015/03/28/another-large-catch-of-orthosias/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
<description>Topical information from the Suffolk Moth Group</description>
<lastBuildDate>Tue, 25 Feb 2020 18:38:33 +0000</lastBuildDate>
<title>By: Brian</title>
<pubDate>Sun, 29 Mar 2015 11:04:55 +0000</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">http://suffolkmoths.org.uk/blog/?p=5270#comment-2212</guid>
<![CDATA[ I'll see what I can do Raymond. The manager is keen to know what insect species are present on the estate.
Yes we had a very enjoyable and informative meeting with many excellent photographic contributions. ]]>
<![CDATA[ <p>I’ll see what I can do Raymond. The manager is keen to know what insect species are present on the estate.<br />
Yes we had a very enjoyable and informative meeting with many excellent photographic contributions.</p>
<title>By: Raymond Watson</title>
<dc:creator>Raymond Watson</dc:creator>
<pubDate>Sun, 29 Mar 2015 09:42:20 +0000</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">http://suffolkmoths.org.uk/blog/?p=5270#comment-2211</guid>
<![CDATA[ Hope the SMG meeting went well. I was away for the day learning sawfly ID. I am interested in any Nepticulidae you may catch in your site that has established aspen (is it in Suffolk or Norfolk?). I have no idea if you 'bother' to take any that you catch but if you do I would be very interested in identifying them if you were agreeable. ]]>
<![CDATA[ <p>Hope the SMG meeting went well. I was away for the day learning sawfly ID. I am interested in any Nepticulidae you may catch in your site that has established aspen (is it in Suffolk or Norfolk?). I have no idea if you ‘bother’ to take any that you catch but if you do I would be very interested in identifying them if you were agreeable.</p>