Comments on: Woolpit Moths Topical information from the Suffolk Moth Group Tue, 25 Feb 2020 18:38:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neil Neil Sun, 08 Mar 2015 13:55:01 +0000 Not had Small quaker here yet but did add Clouded drab and Acleris logiana to the year list last night. 2 Traps (actinic and an mv) were run in the garden, not many moths caught but did get 9sp. Moon is too bright at the moment, need some cloud cover!

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<![CDATA[ Not had Small quaker here yet but did add Clouded drab and Acleris logiana to the year list last night. 2 Traps (actinic and an mv) were run in the garden, not many moths caught but did get 9sp. Moon is too bright at the moment, need some cloud cover! ]]>
<![CDATA[ <p>Not had Small quaker here yet but did add Clouded drab and Acleris logiana to the year list last night. 2 Traps (actinic and an mv) were run in the garden, not many moths caught but did get 9sp. Moon is too bright at the moment, need some cloud cover!</p> ]]>