Comments on: Long awaited Autumn species Topical information from the Suffolk Moth Group Tue, 25 Feb 2020 18:38:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neil Neil Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:47:45 +0000 Well done on catching some autumnal species Keith.
Its been pretty awful here this week, many cold clear nights so just haven’t bothered to trap. Cloud all day yesterday until evening then it disappeared, much to my annoyance! Ran 2 traps anyway in the woods to see what was about. Not much different since I last trapped, I am really starting to wonder where the autumnal species are. Only new species that I would call autumnal was a single Feathered ranunculus. Only 22sp in 2 traps, rubbish!

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<![CDATA[ Well done on catching some autumnal species Keith. Its been pretty awful here this week, many cold clear nights so just haven&#039;t bothered to trap. Cloud all day yesterday until evening then it disappeared, much to my annoyance! Ran 2 traps anyway in the woods to see what was about. Not much different since I last trapped, I am really starting to wonder where the autumnal species are. Only new species that I would call autumnal was a single Feathered ranunculus. Only 22sp in 2 traps, rubbish! ]]>
<![CDATA[ <p>Well done on catching some autumnal species Keith.<br /> Its been pretty awful here this week, many cold clear nights so just haven&#8217;t bothered to trap. Cloud all day yesterday until evening then it disappeared, much to my annoyance! Ran 2 traps anyway in the woods to see what was about. Not much different since I last trapped, I am really starting to wonder where the autumnal species are. Only new species that I would call autumnal was a single Feathered ranunculus. Only 22sp in 2 traps, rubbish!</p> ]]>