Comments on: Wormwood Topical information from the Suffolk Moth Group Tue, 25 Feb 2020 18:38:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neil Neil Sat, 20 Jul 2013 16:37:37 +0000 I’ve not seen hardly any underwings either (thankfully!). Probably a few reasons for this. They don’t like hot weather and after hatching go into aestivation, waiting till it cools down a bit before coming out again. Another possible reason is that there hasn’t been any big immigration waves from Europe yet as most of the underwings are known migrants, Matthew at Bawdsey can tell you this as he gets loads of them when they do arrive! Could also be the late season, I think some moths are still running 2 weeks late in their flight-time that we have got used to in recent years.


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<![CDATA[ I&#039;ve not seen hardly any underwings either (thankfully!). Probably a few reasons for this. They don&#039;t like hot weather and after hatching go into aestivation, waiting till it cools down a bit before coming out again. Another possible reason is that there hasn&#039;t been any big immigration waves from Europe yet as most of the underwings are known migrants, Matthew at Bawdsey can tell you this as he gets loads of them when they do arrive! Could also be the late season, I think some moths are still running 2 weeks late in their flight-time that we have got used to in recent years. Neil ]]>
<![CDATA[ <p>I&#8217;ve not seen hardly any underwings either (thankfully!). Probably a few reasons for this. They don&#8217;t like hot weather and after hatching go into aestivation, waiting till it cools down a bit before coming out again. Another possible reason is that there hasn&#8217;t been any big immigration waves from Europe yet as most of the underwings are known migrants, Matthew at Bawdsey can tell you this as he gets loads of them when they do arrive! Could also be the late season, I think some moths are still running 2 weeks late in their flight-time that we have got used to in recent years.</p> <p>Neil</p> ]]>