<title>Comments on: July, first half, Hollesley.</title>
<atom:link href="http://suffolkmoths.org.uk/blog/index.php/2013/07/18/july-first-half-hollesley/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
<description>Topical information from the Suffolk Moth Group</description>
<lastBuildDate>Tue, 25 Feb 2020 18:38:33 +0000</lastBuildDate>
<title>By: Neil</title>
<pubDate>Thu, 18 Jul 2013 15:50:37 +0000</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">http://suffolkmoths.org.uk/blog/?p=3120#comment-336</guid>
<![CDATA[ I've had hardly any Elephant hawks here at IGC, Small elephant has been far more common (so far). Pine hawk was late out with me but is now regular with 1-2 seen each night. First Broad-bordered yellow underwing last night here, and I too have had very few Large yellow underwings. Some of the underwings are known to aestivate in warm weather so this may be why we are not seeing many, they may be hiding away waiting to come in to our traps later this year!
Neil ]]>
<![CDATA[ <p>I’ve had hardly any Elephant hawks here at IGC, Small elephant has been far more common (so far). Pine hawk was late out with me but is now regular with 1-2 seen each night. First Broad-bordered yellow underwing last night here, and I too have had very few Large yellow underwings. Some of the underwings are known to aestivate in warm weather so this may be why we are not seeing many, they may be hiding away waiting to come in to our traps later this year!</p>